Brand Video Gets 10X Views

Brand Video for Felipe Bragiao Gym in Rancho Cordova, CA. Produced July 2024.

This video got 12K views on a IG page that usually gets about 1K views. Here are some quick pointers/reminders about how you can make the most of your videos:

1. It tells a succinct and engaging story to a targeted audience: namely Jiu Jitsu athletes and fans.

2. The video was resized for 1x1 square aspect ratio for Instagram. Which makes it take up more space on a viewer's phone screen than 16x9 widescreen videos.

3. The pacing is fast and high energy. Just like working out at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym!

4. Shot on a RED camera - Social media platforms are able to recognize videos shot with higher end cameras and boost them accordingly.

Thanks for reading! And good luck with your own video marketing efforts.


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