Bryan Post & the LEAF Company

It is my pleasure to be able to share this client’s video with you:

“Bryan Post, an adopted and former foster child, is one of America’s Foremost Child Behavior and Adoption Experts, Founder of the Post Institute, The LEAF Company, and Major Media League, Entrepreneur, and Speaker.” (

I really enjoy providing video marketing and video production services to Bryan and the LEAF Company because Bryan and the people he works with are doing some serious good in the world. They are bringing healing to many adoptive families who really need the help. 

He is shining a light on how trauma and stress affect adopted children and what the adults around them can do to help them heal and live better lives.

Bryan is spreading love and understanding for people who sorely need it.

In this video he is speaking to a group of adoptive parents and says, “Our inability to grieve is generational.” 

He offers an understanding of how to grieve and, as a result of that, how to be able to heal from past trauma. This helps parents better understand their own pain and thus be better equipped to help their adopted children heal theirs.

If this strikes a chord with you, I encourage you to learn more about Bryan and the LEAF company. His understanding of the human condition is vast. Honestly, the first time that I worked with him and heard what he had to say, it was revelatory. 

Some of the information was so empowering in terms of my understanding of myself and others that I simply could not forget it moving forward.

I greatly value working with clients like Bryan and the LEAF Company. It is part of my mission to use video marketing to spread the word about people like Bryan who are working so hard to do such good things in the world and connect them with those who need their help.

And here’s a tip for anyone considering making videos like this: These videos perform well on social media. It is because what Bryan is saying is bringing tremendous value to his target audience, which is adoptive families. This is not a “flashy” video. It is high-quality and straightforward, valuable communication.

Sometimes there is a good reason for making a video “flashy.” But much of the time on social media we are so inundated with ads and content that just don’t bring value to our lives. So when we do watch something that is straightforward in its approach (a well-lit and exposed image of someone offering valuable knowledge) it cuts through the noise and people will stop scrolling to watch.

Last tip for anyone who’s read this far and who doesn’t know already: Subtitles are necessary because most people watch with the sound off. Subtitles = better engagement.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


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