What Does a Video Producer Do?
So… what does a producer actually do on a video like this?
Comically enough, they source an absurd amount of candles for that first shot of this ad.
But seriously and essentially, they help to produce or provide what you see in a video.
So what are you seeing in that first frame, for example? An actress? Yes. I was the producer and hired her. What else? Lipstick, candles, and a black dress? I picked those out, bought, and ordered them. What camera captured the image? I picked that out too, with the help of the cinematographer, and rented a camera package for the shoot.
The cinematographer and I also found and hired camera and lighting crew. I then made sure there was food and drinks on set to feed and hydrate those hard-working individuals. And I created a manageable schedule so we could capture all these shots in a day and not be running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Sorry for the graphic image there. Oops.
I think you’re starting to get the picture. A producer puts together all the logistics of a production from beginning to end. They hire the actors, the director, the department heads and crew. They rent or purchase equipment. They create a budget and manage the finances of the production. They create a schedule.
Their job is to make sure the video or film (a.k.a. the product) is delivered on-time and, ideally, under budget. In effect, their job is to hire a team of people that can fulfill said task. And also… feed those people to prevent “hangry-ness.”
Good producers also have a really solid understanding of the creative part of the production process. They are often valuable creative contributors and, in my opinion, should always be.
They have the most comprehensive understanding of the entire operation and can be an invaluable asset in finding cost-effective solutions for creative problems.
To learn more about video production you can follow my LinkedIn page or read more on my website where I post helpful tips and strategies. Thanks for reading!